What I focused on when I see the forest is various kinds of trees are together. When they are together,they are not awkward but very harmonious. There are at least 60,000 species of trees in the world. They are not the same even if they are same type of tree, but they are together. I recalled the story that I experienced episodes with people around me when I was looking at the trees in the forest.
        I was formed by the growth environment, experienced from childhood and my own tendencies. I live with thoughts and emotions that no one can raplace, not only me but also you. We are able to be alike but we can’t be the same. Sometimes, I wonder if we can “fully” empathize and understand. But sometimes, I am often surprised to find out that the things I thought were only my story are happening to everyone. We, who seem to be the same, but we can never be the same, influence each other big and small and form relationship.
        <Forest World> series is about relational direction with people around me and community world what I pursue. Forest is the gathering of trees, a sense of community. Concentrate on the meaning of unity in the forest rather than each tree. Indicates the direction of the community to which I belong. Repeatedly draws a human figure “人”it seems to be drawing the same human figure repeatedly, but I focus on the pictorial properties that ‘no line can be the same.’ Just as all drawings cannot be the same, each line has its own unique line. the lines I draw, the colors I choose are the same yet different us are revealed.

       내가 바라본 숲에서 집중되었던 것은 각양각색의 나무들이 한데 모여있는 모습이었다. 서로 다른 나무들이 하나의 숲에 모인 모습에는 어색함 하나 없는 조화로움이 있었다. 이 세상에는 최소 6만종의 나무가 존재한다. 다른 종이면 물론이거니와 같은 종일지라도 서로 다르게 생긴 나무들이 함께 하는 모습에서 나는 나와 나를 둘러싼 이들과의 이야기들을 하나 둘씩 떠올렸다.
        나라는 사람은 어릴 적부터 경험한 성장 환경과 나만의 성향으로 형성됐다.  나는 그 누구도 대체할 수 없는 생각과 감정을 가지고 살아간다. 나뿐만 아니라 너도 그렇다. 비슷할 수는 있어도 같을 수는 없는 우리들이다. 때로는 우리에게 ‘온전한’ 공감과 이해가 가능할까 싶다가도 때로는 나만의 이야기인 줄 알았던 것이 모두가 겪고있는 이야기임을 깨닫고 놀라곤 한다. 똑같은가 싶으면서도 절대 같을 수 없는 우리들은 서로에게 크고 작은 영향을 주며 관계를 맺는다.
        Forest world 시리즈에서는 나와 나를 둘러싼 이들과의 관계적 방향성과 내가 바라는 공동체적 세상을 담고자 했다. 숲은 나무들의 모임이며, 공동체적 성향을 띄운다. 각각의 나무보다도 숲이라는 하나됨의 의미에 집중한다. 내가 속한 공동체; 가족, 친구, 학교 모임 등등에서의 지향점을 나타낸다. 人 사람인 형상을 반복적으로 그린다. 반복적으로 똑같은 人 사람인 형상을 그리는 듯 보이지만 내가 생각하는 회화적 속성에는 ‘그 어떤 선도 똑같을 수 없음’에 초점을 둔다. 모든 그림이 똑같을 수 없듯, 선 하나에도 고유한 선이 존재한다. 내가 그리는 선에, 내가 택한 색상은 같으면서도 다른 우리가 드러난다.

BlueGreen Trees, 2019, color pigment on jangji paper, 193.9 x 130.3cm

Dancing Trees, 2019, color pigment, gouache on sunji paper, 198 x 135cm

Crowd, 2019, Ink cake and chinese white on jangji paper,  200 x 135cm

Greeen Trees, 2019, color pigment on jangji paper, 130.3 x 130.3cm

Walk Together,  2019, color pigment and gouache on jangji paper, 150 x105cm

Lean on me, 2019, color pigment and gouache on jangji paper, 130.3 x 97cm

“人” Trees, 2019, color pigment and ink cake on jangji paper, 90 x 90cm

Colorful Trees, 2019, color pigment on jangji paper, 130.3x 130.3cm

Slowly (서서히), 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 60.6 x 60.6cm

and then so (그리고, 그렇게), 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 60.6 x 60.6cm

cloudy day(흐린 날), 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 80.3 x 80.3cm

Slowly(서서히),  2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 80.3 x 80.3cm

Huddle(옹기종기), 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 80.3 x 80.3cm

Huddle(옹기종기), 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 80.3 x 80.3cm

Lean on me (나에게 기대), 2020, color pigment on jangji paper, 80.3 x 80.3cm

2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 46.7 x 37cm

Crowd, 2020, 
color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper
145 x 75.5cm

You and I are so different,
2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper
130.3 x 97 cm

Untitled, 2020, color pigment on jangji paper, 100.0 x 80.3cm

One another, 2020, color pigment on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

Huddle 옹기종기, 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

Trees with wind, 2020, color pigment and oil pastel on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

BlueGreen Trees, 2020, colo pigment on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

Huddle 옹기종기, 2020, color pigment and oil pastel  on jangji paper, 45.5 x45.5cm

Range, 2020, color pigment and oil stick on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

Yellow Forest, 2020, color pigment on jangji paper, 45.5 x 45.5cm

A mountain covered with snow, 2020, gel stone on canvas

A mountain covered with snow, 2021, gel stone on canvas

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Huddle series small painting

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